This is our newest game so much in this story line will change. In Storm Command the player can play five different characters, three have mounts like in Teosh 1, the other two are androids so they don't need mounts.
The humans and an alien race called the Fblac have colonized another planet. The Fblac are aliens who came to Earth already as colonizers and since they help Earth with several of its problems, they were welcome. Now the humans and their alien friends have made two colonies on a planet, slightly smaller then Earth, named Odin.
The two colonies, named New Geneva and New Bejing, are at peace and prosperous. Then a few malcontent humans who want more power over Odin start a small rebellion. The five characters, named Erryl, Vettoral (or Vett for short), Cafb (a Fblac), CA-11, and GA-23, first must explore the contenent that the colonies are on. Then when the rebellion breaks out, they must help try to subdue it. Finally, the scientists in the colonies descover that these strange pyramid-like structures, which are called Azis by the scientists, are descovered to have control over a galaxy wide threat. The Azis control artificial astroids the the now-extinct orginal race built centeries before. Now a race begins for the control over the Azis scattered around the contenent.
Storm Command has a playing style like Hawk Squad but is much larger. With a huge map to explore and several different animals to contend with, as well as a few rebels, this game promesis to be one of our best.