The rescue mission for Camden and Thor is on! Seasrching all over the planet that Camden was taken to, Hawk Squad must find Camden and Thor. A leader will be picked for each mission and you can pick his team of two other robots. When a geneticaly engineered mutant, or Genomutants, contacts Hawk Squad telling them that nine Genomutants are being held by the alien leaders of the alien planets, and that the Genomutants and their creator, who was the alien who lead the attack on Earth, would be very greatful if Hawk Squad could rescue the held Genomutants and defeat the nine robots guarding them, then the Genomutant creator would tell Hawk Squad where Camden and Thor are being held.
Fighting old bosses and new, the Hawk Squad is up for its biggest chalange yet. The bosses are Keir, Magnus, Quigley, Giacomo, Orrick 2, Cadell, Slade, Hakeem, Ercole, and the guardian of Camden and Thor, Casimir.

Copyright 1998 Jam