The secret invasion is the first game in the five part(maybe soon to be six)game series name Hawk Squad. The Hawk Squad are a group of robots designed and programmed to defeat crime and to protect to president of the world. One day, an alien ship of unknown origen came into orbit around earth and just started shooting. I know that sounds lame but it will make sense later. Earth's defences and alien allies come to the rescue and defeat the alien ship which retreats. Everything i sback to normal...or is it? Hawk Squad then descovers its self battleing a wide-scale crime wave. After a while they descover that humans aren't causing the crime wave. Camden, the groups leader, comes to an unsettling conclusion. The aliens have returned.
Hawk squad is a pure 3-d action game, so far. There's no telling what kind of electronic advances humans will make before this game comes out. Anyway, the group consits of nine robots, the number of the robots climes steadely throughout the game. The player must battle robots, geneticaly enhanced creatures, and solve puzzles in the different levels. Just a little note, all of the character's names are real names (except for Skeeter and Blackstone). The Hawk Squad members are, Camden, Cyrus, Zale, Olyn, Thor, Dagan, Gaspar, Skeeter, and Roger. The bosses