The Hawk Squad are a group of Gamma Defender-class human like robots who's prgramming is to protect the president of the Earth
and his family in Berlin (no the capital isn't in Washington D.C.). Earth is experimenting in faster-then-light travel and have made contact with a few alien races.
At the beginning of the series an alien ship appears over Earth and, as obnoxious aliens do, started doing some damage. The Earthling's defences and some allied alien rienforcements managed to drive the hostile alien ship off.
Repairs were started and everything was back to normal...or was it.
Hawk squad is a pure 3-d action game with several diffrent terrains and a few puzzels and secret passages to keep the gamers busy.
Hawk Squad is about an alien race's attack on Earth, with a twist.
You can read about the story lines in the game's respective pages.
Copyright 1998 James Smoker.