The Tel'oryn invasion is on! A massive fleet has appeared over Earth.
Earth is given one last chance though. The Tel'oryn Fyasshmir has contacted Hawk Squad to challange them one last time. The Hawk Squad must defeat ten bosses that have secretly landed all over Earth.
Hawk Squad must also defeat all of the minions of these bosses.
Then when Hawk Squad finally defeated all ten bosses. The untrustworthy Tel'oryn leader ordered all full scale attack on Earth!
Hawk Squad was givin a new mission, sabotage the lead attacking ship.
Hawk Squad 5 will have a game play style like all of the other games in the Hawk Squad series.
Feturing two more new Hawk Squad robots named Ioakim (or Ioa) and Arran. Ioa has an apptitude for magnitism and weapns of that sort,
and Arran specializes in temperature. Hawk Squad: The Final Invasion definitely promeses to be one of the best in the Hawk Squad series.