Black Thieves was the first game that Terrabytes Inc. thought up. Based in the far future of the Milky Way Galaxy (though it's not called that in the game) this game centers around several factions fighting for power and freedom from the oppressive rulership of the despotism-like government ruling the galaxy at that time. The government (nicknamed the Dark Knights by the rebelling factions) enslaved many races and treated its subjects brutaly. In the game you can work several factions who are the Black Thieves, a once popular "Robin Hood" group of pirates who actualy usualy worked for the old government (code-named the Paladins) and were referd to as the old government's elite strike force and spys. The next faction was named the Guardians, who started out fighting for freedom and then some of the leaders let power get to there heads. The player works the Guardians elite commandoes. Two other factions who are the Xancro and Desatens, are both aliens and arch-rivals, each hating the other and doing anything to cut the other one down. The last two are the Predators and the Stryke Force. The Predators (yes that's the species name) are a carnavor species who absolutely hate the Dark Knights. The Stryke Force are exactly that, a free-lance Strike Force who like to annoy the Dark Knights anyway they can. Unfortunalty these teams, through misunderstadings or power-hungry leaders, these factions also start fighting each other. The other games are about the rise of the Dark Knights and the rebuilding of the Galaxy. To learn more about the factions click here.

Copyright 1998 James Smoker.