The Tales of Teosh follow a story not about characters or a character, but a strange island named Teosh.
This game is several firsts for Terrabytes Inc., first of all, Black Thieves and Hawk Squad are space games, while Teosh is a fantasy.
Teosh is also the only game where Humans don't reside on Earth.
The unnamed planet that Teosh is located on is made up of three races, two of which only reside on the island, Teosh.
There are Humans, the Teoshites, who were the first race to be discovered on Teosh, and the Parzthax, who are introduced in the second game. The Parzthax and the Teoshites are very opposite races.
The Teoshites are slightly short furry (slightly as in 4 to 5 feet tall) creatures who are intelligent and were quick to make peace with the humans.
The Parzthax, on the other hand, are a wasp-like race who love war and conquering. To see each game's own story lines, click on the name of the game at the top of the screen.

Copyright 1998 James Smoker.