Welcome, to the un-official site of the soon to be computer gaming company called C & J Terrabytes Incorporated. The reason this site is un-official is because this company is not yet an official company
This company apologizes for the lack of official look of this web page.
Unfortunatly Terrabytes Inc. does not have the avalable programs to make an official looking logo.
We do have much information on our soon to be released games. If you have just come from the only non-official site of the Black Thieves there is a more official site below.
We also have a lot of information on previously unheard of games.
Hopefully, these games will come to stores in around ten years. Enjoy the site.

This is Terrabytes Inc.'s first game. It will be a combination of action, and a little bit of role-playing. Click to learn more about this game and its sequels.

Hawk Squad is a five part action game, one of our most exciting.

Teosh is a four part full role-playing game. It is the first game of Terrabytes Inc. that isn't Science-Fiction.

This series has some of our newest games. click on the link to the site to see what we have devoloped so far.

This is now our newest game. It is only one game, unlike the other game series this Terrabytes Inc. has made.
The Site's Guestbook
Copyright 1998 James Smoker.